Initialization files
Initialization files are read in a default order when Tekla Structures starts up.
If different files contain the same settings, settings in files that are read later override settings in files that were read earlier.
To check which files were read when you started Tekla Structures and the order in which they were read, select:
- File menu > Logs > Session history log
For more information read:
- Typical initialization files (.ini files) and their reading order
- Settings defined by advanced options
Load Order
- 1) fonts<lang>.ini (@ bin folder)
- 2) teklastructures.ini (@ bin folder)
- 3) lang<lang>.ini (@ bin folder)
- 4) env_global_default.ini (Global "common" Environment)
- 5) -I <name_>.ini (Startup Shortcut)
- 6) env<environment>.ini (Selected Environment during Tekla start) -> Used by environment.ini
- 7) role<role>.ini (Selected Role during Tekla start) -> Used by role.ini
- 8) -i <name_>.ini (Startup Shortcut) -> DokaCADforTekla.ini in _Neutral folder; defined in TipConfig/program
- 9) company.ini (Path defined by XS_COMPANY_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY)
- 10) user.ini (Personal Settings defined in \AppData\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version_>\UserSettings)
- 11) options.ini (Defined in options.ini in a System Folder)
- 12) options.ini (Defined in options.ini in the Firm Folder)
- 13) options.ini (Defined in options.ini in the Project Folder)
- 14) options.ini (Defined in options.ini in the Model Folder)
Related Directories
- For enterprise wide settings
- Only possible to set advanced settings, not like
Folder which allows other files too.
Doka Usage
Doka uses the DokaCADforTekla.ini
located in \Tipos.9\Work\DokaCADforTekla\Program\_Neutral
for a few settings.
This is needed to dynamically create the paths for the Firm, Project and Macro Directory based on User Settings.
When you open DokaCADforTekla Software, a background process takes DokaCADforTekla_Template.ini
as input and creates the final DokaCADforTekla.ini
with your Setting from the DFDS9 Software Configuration.
set XS_FIRM=%DFDSPATH%\work\DokaCADforTekla\Program\%COUNTRY%
set XS_PROJECT=%DFDSPATH%\Branch\DokaCADforTekla\Program\%COUNTRY%\%BRANCH%
set XS_MACRO_DIRECTORY=%XS_TIPOS_NEUTRAL%\System\macros;%DFDSPATH%\work\DokaCADforTekla\Program\%COUNTRY%\macros
You can only define 2 macro directories!
- 1) Global:
Folder - 2) Country: e.g.